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The glittering world of TV often makes us forget that the people on our screens are just like us. Recently, fans of the reality show “90 Day Fiancé” have been concerned about the whereabouts of one of its stars, Paul Staehle. On September 1st, 2023, Paul’s wife, Karine Martins, posted a worrying message on Instagram, revealing that she had not heard from him for several days. As the days passed without any news, concerns grew, and some even speculated about Paul’s fate.


Who Is Paul Staehle?

Paul Staehle became known to the public when he appeared on the popular reality show “90 Day Fiancé.” The show documented his relationship with his wife, Karine Martins, and their journey to build a life together. Paul and Karine met online and eventually tied the knot in 2017, forming a strong and loving bond.

Paul’s quest for love led him beyond his local boundaries, and he found his soulmate in Brazil, where Karine hails from. Reflecting on his past relationships, Paul once said, “I haven’t had the best of luck in past relationships here locally, I’ve been betrayed. I’ve experienced unfaithful girlfriends — a lot of negative, chaotic things. Being burned that many times definitely affects anybody.”

In 2019, Paul and Karine welcomed their first child, Pierre, into the world, bringing immense joy and a touch of nervousness into their lives. Paul expressed, “I’m very happy, very excited, I’m also very nervous and want to do everything the best that I can and do everything right.” Fans admired this sweet and growing family.

However, not every love story follows a fairytale path. Over time, Paul and Karine faced challenges in their marriage, including allegations of cheating, abuse, and domestic violence. Despite these difficulties, they managed to work through their problems. In 2021, they welcomed their second son, Ethan, into the world. Unfortunately, it seems that misfortune continues to shadow their family.


The Story of Paul’s Disappearance:

On September 1st, 2023, Karine took to Instagram to share alarming news with the world. She revealed that neither she nor Paul’s mother had any information about his whereabouts since August 31st, 2023. Her post read, “Paul went missing last night in Brazil. Prayers he is found safe.”

Karine went on to explain, “Hello everyone, I can’t give much information because we don’t have anything concrete to tell. We are looking to find out where Paul is.” She also mentioned that they needed to wait a little longer before contacting the police, emphasizing that this was not a joke and that she had been just as lost before receiving a message.

The message in question came from one of Paul’s friends, Edna, who had been in contact with him before his disappearance. Edna shared a chat on her Instagram story, which raised concerns among fans. The conversation included alarming messages:

  • Paul: I got lost.
  • Edna: Who are you with, and how did you get lost?
  • Paul: I f—ked up bad [sic].
  • Edna: You seem to not be as careful as before. Can Izzy or Aunt help you? How did you mess up? Who are you with?
  • Paul: Contact them; I need help.
  • Edna: Who? And why don’t you???
  • Paul: I am trying to.
  • Edna: You need to NOW.
  • Paul: I need a boat to get back.
  • Edna: They can’t get you a boat, and why would you go there alone? That was very stupid.
  • Paul: My phone will die. My GPS will go away [sic].
  • Edna: Call them now!!!
  • Paul: You, please.
  • Edna: Who are you with?
  • Paul: Alone.
  • Edna: Sorry, I messaged you; bad timing again…
  • Paul: Call them; I need a boat [location sharing ended].
  • Edna: Tried all those names, no answer, left messages.

This isn’t the first time Paul has gone missing. In July 2022, he disappeared along with his older son but returned safely after a week. However, the current situation remains shrouded in uncertainty, with no updates or confirmations. All we can do is hope and pray for Paul’s safe return.



The mystery surrounding Paul Staehle’s disappearance continues to grip the hearts of “90 Day Fiancé” fans. While we await further information, our thoughts and prayers are with Paul and his family during this difficult time. We hope for a happy resolution to this unsettling situation.



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